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5 Types of Energy Work for Self-Care

Energy is everything. It is you and all around you. There are MANY ways to work with your energy. For this article, we are focusing on 5 different energy options you can learn and utilize for your self-care needs. These 5 options are a great way to create balance throughout your body, all utilizing your mind.

1. Visualization - is a motivational technique which can help you achieve personal goals. If you really want something to come to fruition, then you have to put your imagination to work.

Take a moment and visualize something you are looking for right in front of you.  Play with seeing yourself in your ideal job, or maybe see yourself travelling to a bucket list destination or living the life you have always wanted. See it. Feel it. The only limit you have is in your own mind. Using visualization helps you create, energetically, opening the Universe up to possibilities. Visualization creates positivity as you feel into what you want and surrounds your energetic field with higher vibrations.

If you need a little help with this, check out my short “Let’s Manifest” video on YouTube.

2. Centering - refers to our mental and physical state of mind. It’s the place we know we have to get back to when we’re not feeling like ourselves. When we’re not centered, we might feel lost or out of touch. When we center ourselves, we bring calm to our emotions.

You center yourself by slowing down your breathing so that you “feel” more of what’s going on around you. Becoming centered is a way to find peace within the chaos that might be surrounding you.

3. Grounding - is very similar to Centering. This basically means to bring your focus to what is happening to you physically, either in your body or in your surroundings, instead of being trapped by the thoughts in your mind that are causing you to feel anxious. Grounding helps you stay in the present moment instead of worrying about things that may happen in the future or events that have already happened. Focus on connecting to Earth. Walk barefoot. Go outside and take a deep breath for fresh air. Connecting with the free electrical currents Mother Nature offers you can help you to calmness and find balance. Here is a short video explaining grounding a bit more.

4. Charging Yourself w/Crystal energy - Crystals can naturally give off a beautiful energy that you can use to heal. Crystals strong energy fields and different energy frequencies may be used to raise your personal vibration. This raising of your vibration may allow you to make contact with other spirits or realms, or simply to give you the vibes you need at the time you need them. Using crystals can be very beneficial, whether you wear them, have a couple in your pocket, or have them throughout the house.  

5. Shielding is a way of protecting yourself from mental attacks. It's a way of creating an energy barrier around yourself that other people can't penetrate. Think about the Star Trek series, when the Enterprise would activate its deflector shields. These magical shields you can create work the same way. Envision a bubble surrounding you, protecting you, allowing others energies to bounce off. Shielding is a great visual that you can easily create to protect your energy.

I hope these mindful energetic tools help you create higher vibes, peaceful, protection and balance.

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