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Grounding or Earthing

Just like you are energy, the Earth is a gigantic ball of energy. Mother Earth is a huge battery with an amazing charge called electrons.

Once upon a time, humans walked barefoot or with leather hides upon their feet. They were constantly connected with the Earth, absorbing her energy and in return giving it back, like a huge circuit.

Today we have asphalt, concrete, and less grass. We have rubber shoes. All this keeps us away from connecting to the energy we were created with. In this day and age we are disconnected. We have more ailments; more inflammation; more disease. We do not sleep as well, and we have more anxiety.

When you are grounded and connected, your bodies circulation improves. This means oxygen, blood flow, etc. move through your body better. With this so many of our ailments are helped and healed. I’m not saying that grounding heals all, but I know, from personal experience, grounding works to clear the body of toxins, clear your mind from past traumas, helps with stress and so much more.

So, what do you need to do to collect this amazing energetic charge?

If possible, go outside. Walk barefoot in the grass, sand, dirt. Step into the ocean, lake, river, pond, bayou. If you aren’t able to “step” into any of these at the moment: touch a plant, hug a tree, open your palms to the sun and absorb the energy, or stand in the rain and allow the water to wash over you. Whether you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes, hold the intention of connecting, grounding, earthing. See the energy flow through, and around you. Mother Earth takes what you don’t need, recycles it, and sends it back clean. Our planet is amazing and happy to help you.

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